Dematerialization Of Securities

Dematerialization Of Securities

Digital Economy,Digital Securities! The long-known concept of the Dematerialization of Securities has now become one of the important concepts in today’s digitalized world. Dematerialization is essentially conversion of the physical securities into electronic...


UNDERSTANDING A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP  A Limited Liability Partnership or LLP is an alternative corporate business form which offers the benefits of limited liability to the partners at low compliance costs. It also allows the partners to organize their...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in COVID-19

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in COVID-19

INTRODUCTION Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is responsibility conferred on the Corporates towards the society, the environment and the community within which it operates. CSR is not merely a charity in the present era but helps a lot a Corporate to increase the...
Independent Director

Independent Director

INTRODUCTION An Independent Director is a Non-Executive Director who does not have a material or pecuniary relationship with company, except sitting fees, but is one who is enriched with appropriate balance of skill, experience, independence and knowledge of the...